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Districts are the de facto front-end of government where most Government-to-Consumer or G2C interaction takes place. The eDistrict project was conceptualized to improve this experience and enhance the efficiencies of the various Departments at the district-level to enable seamless service delivery to the citizen.

Front-ends under the scheme, in the form of citizen facilitation centers, are envisoned to be built at District-, Tehsil-, Sub-division- and Block- levels. Village-level front-ends would be established through Gram Suwidha Centre (GSCs) for delivery of services.

Indicative services planned to be delivered through this MMP include:

  • Certificates: Creation and distribution of certificates for income, domicile, caste, Birth, Death etc.
  • Licences: Arms Licenses etc.
  • Public Distribution System (PDS): Issue of Ration Card, etc.
  • Social Welfare Schemes: Disbursement of old-age pensions, family pensions, widow pensions, etc.
  • Complaints: Related to unfair prices, absentee teachers, non-availability of doctor, etc.
  • RTI: Online filing and receipt of information relating to the Right to Information Act
  • Linking with other e government projects: Registration, Land Records, and Driving Licences, etc.
  • Information Dissemination: About government schemes, entitlements, etc.
  • Assessment of taxes: Property tax, and other government taxes.
  • Utility Payment: Payments relating to electricity, water bills property taxes etc.

Punjab E-District

E-District project envisages integrated and seamless delivery of citizen services by district administration through automation of workflow, backend computerization, data digitization across participating departments.

The project aims to target high volume delivered at the District level and to undertake back-end computerization to enable the delivery of citizen services through Common Service Centres in a systematic way. It further aims to integrate multiple applications, faster processing of public cases/appeals/grievances, dissemination of information as per public requirement and redesign the processes for the core services to be delivered through the Common Service Centers.